Write/Submit a Post on SocialNoted

Hello Everyone,
Thanks for opening this page, we so much Appreciate.
In order to further make SocialNoted more interactive, we’ve decided to allow Post Submission from our Users/Fans.
Now, the SocialNoted Pen is in your hand, you can write as you like.
Feel free to send us any Posts, Article and Storiesyou want us to publish on SocialNoted so Nigerians can Read, Enjoy or Learn from.
NOTICE:- You can also Submit a Topic and some little explanations to us. Our Professional Writers/Bloggers will work on it and make it look like a Standard post before posting on SocialNoted.
⇨ Your name will be on the Post as the Poster | Now you can show your Friends & Family your Post on SocialNoted😉
Send us the Post write up, Images to use and the Title you want.
Send everything to us via email to 👇

Once the post is received, we will get it on SocialNoted and the link will be sent to your email Inbox.
Thank you 👍
I'm Joseph interested to work and study in caCana pls help me I need apply form.